Captain America And Bucky Chibi

Captain America And Bucky Chibi 4,8/5 5776 votes


May 18, 2018  In today's Art Tutorial I'll be showing you How to Draw Captain America from The Avengers Infinity War. Grab your paper, ink, pens or pencils and lets.

The troops trudge through the mud and the forest with their remaining strength which wasn't much. The journey back to camp was in complete silence except for the singing of Chibi Chibi who was bursting with unknown energy.

'Chibi Chibi, Chi-Chibi, Chibi Chibi~' Chibi Chibi kicked her legs back and forth, oblivious to the exhaustive aura of the rest of the soldiers behind her. She was sitting on Steve's shoulder so it wasn't difficult to say to she was loving it.

It wasn't long till the entrance of the camp came into view which gave the rest of the soldiers enough hope and energy to trek on through. A large crowd of soldiers were waiting for their allies to return, the soldiers gleeful and prideful grins turn to small frowns of confusion due to the abnormal weapons the ex-prisoners were holding. They continued their march until Steve halts right in front of Colonel Philips and salutes.

'Some of these men need medical attention,' Steve informs, back straight and tone respectful, 'I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action.'

'That won't be necessary,' Colonel Philips responds, giving Steve a curt nod of respect.

'Yes, sir.'

Colonel Philips turns away from Steve and starts to walk away, he notices Peggy and says, 'Faith, huh?'

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'You're late,' Peggy chastised, trying to keep the relief out of her voice and face.

Steve brings out the transponder she gave him and held it up to reveal it to be broken, 'Couldn't call my ride,' he tells her.

'Call my ride! Call my ride!' Chibi Chibi echoed which was then when Peggy finally noticed her.

'Where on earth did you find a little girl?' Peggy questions in disbelief, her eyes uncharacteristically wide over the absurdity of the situation.

'Found her at the facility, I think she followed me in,' Steve replies and before Peggy could start scolding him, he adds, 'just for the record, I didn't notice her until the others pointed her out when I was breaking them out. I wouldn't ever put a child in danger.'

'I know you wouldn't,' Peggy assures before gesturing for him to follow her, 'we need to get her medical attention.' Steve nods before following Peggy, Chibi Chibi looks down then at Bucky who was chatting with another soldier and decides to call him over.

'Bucky!' Chibi Chibi cupped her hands around her mouth to call him over then waves for him to come so he jogs over.

'What? Bored of me already?' Bucky jokes to Steve as he slows to a walk.

'No, I'm just heading to have her check by a medic,' Steve informs, chuckling, but secretly hoping he didn't hurt his best friend's feelings.

'Great, I'm curious 'bout her too,' Bucky reveals.

Medic Tent

The trio of adults waited as the doctor examined and treated Chibi Chibi. Soon all her scratches were disinfected and bandaged, her whole arms, legs and forehead were bandaged almost giving her the appearance of a mummy, but this didn't deter her happiness.

'Looks like Halloween came late,' Bucky snorts, referring to Chibi Chibi's state.

'Halloween late!' Chibi Chibi reiterates, happily.

'Doctor, do you know why she speaks like that? When I asked her name, she kept replying with 'chibi' then later parrots us randomly,' Steve informs.

'I believe she may be suffering from Broca's Expressive Aphasia which is the loss of the ability to understand speech or communicate using language,' the doctor explains before going into further detail, 'symptoms include poor grammar, difficulty in forming complete sentences, omitting certain words and other factors. In some cases, a person can only say one word.'

'What caused her to develop this?' Peggy inquires, disturbed. She wasn't the only one, Steve and Bucky felt sorry for Chibi Chibi, if she never recovers then how will she communicate with her friends in the future? She'll be so lonely, no one will ever be able understand her.

'In her case, a severe blow to the head, she has quite the nasty bump on the back of her head,' the doctor informs as he writes down his report before putting on a stethoscope, 'I'll need to check her heartbeat before you can take her,' the doctor lifts up her shirt and freezes at what he saw.

'Doc?' Bucky questions before he, too, saw what the doctor did. There was a large stab wound that covered her entire abdomen, it looked fresh and recently started to heal.

'What kind of sicko would stab a 3 year old?!' The doctor explodes in rage, 'a wound like that could cause a fully grown man to bleed out in minutes! Imagine a child!'

Steve clenched his fist so tight it left crescent shapes on his palm, he just couldn't believe that someone would make a child suffer in such a way. If she hadn't had followed him then she would still be running around lost in the forest, he didn't even notice her trailing him. She could've died all alone without anyone ever realising. Steve took in a deep breath before exhaling to soothe his anger, he then kneels down to Chibi Chibi's level and takes her hands, stroking the back of them, 'Chibi Chibi, do you have a home?' Steve asks, gently.

'Home?' Chibi Chibi echoes in confusion, tilting her head to the side.

'Yes, a home, with your parents,' Steve adds. Her parents were most suspicious, but Steve didn't want to believe that a couple could do that to their daughter, especially one so sweet and innocent. She could have been kidnapped.

'Parents,' Chibi Chibi stared down at the ground when the realisation hits her, 'can't remember. Chibi Chibi has no one. Chibi Chibi is alone.'

'Amnesia,' the doctor realises.

'I'll attempt to find an orphanage to house her,' Peggy tells them.

'No!' Chibi Chibi whined, shaking her head wildly as she tugged Steve's sleeve, 'wanna stay! With Steve!'

'With me?' Steve questions, hesitantly. As much as Steve wanted to, he couldn't take care of her. They're in a middle of a devastating war and he's Captain America, he needs to be out on the front lines and he can't have any distractions. Chibi Chibi nods her head at his question, small tears pooling around her eyes which she refused to let fall. Steve knew she couldn't stay with him, 'I'm sorry, but you can't stay with me,' he tells her softly but it doesn't lessen the impact it had on her. The wobble on her lips became more pronounced and tears started streaming down her cheeks.

'D-Don't cry!' Steve begged, panicking before looking to Peggy and Bucky for help. Luckily, the former knew what to do rather than the latter. Peggy knelt down and wiped Chibi Chibi's tears away with a handkerchief.

'Don't cry now,' Peggy request, softly, 'you need not worry, we'll come and visit you whenever we can.' Chibi Chibi gives no reply but holds up her pinky for Peggy to promise, Peggy stares at it for a second before smiling gingerly and linking her pinky with Chibi Chibi's. Chibi Chibi look to Steve with the same pinky held up then to Bucky.

Sun Children's SongOh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on meOh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Hiding behind a tree.These little children are asking youTo please come out so we can play with you,Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on me!Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on meOh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Hiding behind a tree.These little children are asking youTo please come out so we can play with you,Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on.Please shine down on.Please shine down on me! Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on meOh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Hiding behind a tree.These little children are asking youTo please come out so we can play with you,Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on me!Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on meOh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Hiding behind a tree.These little children are asking youTo please come out so we can play with you,Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,Please shine down on.Please shine down on.Please shine down on me! Free download mp3 player songs.

'Me too? Alright,' Bucky links his pinky with her after Steve and Chibi Chibi immediately perks up. A huge grin grows on her face revealing her pearly white teeth, making the trio just as happy.

A strange noise garners everyone's attention before peering down at Chibi Chibi who was holding her stomach in fascination and awe.

'Looks like the little tyke is hungry,' Bucky responds before picking up Chibi Chibi, grinning joyfully at how she squealed in excitement at being carried, before placing her on his shoulders. 'Let's get this little lady some food,' Bucky suggests, unknowingly setting off something deep within her, something they may well soon regret or just find completely entertaining.

'Food! Food! Food!' Chibi Chibi continuously chants, vigorously.


There was a large mass of soldiers sitting at a cluster of rectangular tables for dinner, there should be bustling laughter, incessant chatter, joyful singing and cheering at the success of today's events, but there was only silence as everyone gawked at the little girl who had the stomach of 10 men.

Chibi Chibi had just finished her 5th bowl of stew and was stuffing her cheeks with bread. The only ones left unfazed was Steve and Bucky, the latter more amused than shocked.

'How could something so small have such a big appetite?' Bucky inquires, chuckling.

Steve doesn't appear to hear or just ignores the remark as he wipes away food stuck on Chibi Chibi's cheeks. 'Don't spill your food,' he chastised as if he were her father.

'That is enough for her anyway,' Peggy intervenes, picking Chibi Chibi up and placing the toddler in her arms. Chibi Chibi was not happy and expressed her discontent by flailing her arms and legs, demanding more food.

'Food! Food! Food!'

Unfortunately for her, Peggy isn't deterred by her behaviour in the slightest instead pressed her lips tightly together into a thin line to prevent herself from laughing as she scolds Chibi Chibi firmly, 'Stop throwing a tantrum. Honestly, it is a miracle itself that you managed to eat so much without gaining a stomach ache. You should quit while you are ahead.'

Chibi Chibi whined before letting her arms and legs droop down which makes it easy for Peggy to carry her.

'Where are you taking her?' Steve inquires, curiously.

'How could you have forgotten already?' Peggy asks him in exasperation, 'remember, I am in charge of finding a place to house her.'

'Already?' Steve frowns not wanting to be separated from her at this moment.

'Colonel Philips ordered that I find her a home immediately so there will be no distractions later.' Peggy carried Chibi Chibi away who was whining the whole way, staring longingly at Steve who also stared back.

'You going to be okay?' Bucky inquires his eyes darting back and forth between the two.

'Yeah, it's for the best,' Steve replies throwing his fork down. 'I wonder why she's so attached to me though.'

'One of the great wonders of the universe,' Bucky jokes after taking a sip of water.

With Peggy and Chibi Chibi

Peggy buckled Chibi Chibi securely in the car before driving off to buy her basic necessities like clothes, toiletries and some food for the journey then drives all the way to the countryside.

It wasn't long till they reached the countryside, Peggy parked right outside the village hall then swiftly gets out of the car alongside Chibi Chibi. Peggy gets out Chibi's single luggage bag then held out her other hand for Chibi Chibi to take and they both stroll into the hall.

There was only a small cluster of children left, they all appeared despondent with their situation. Some of the younger children were in tears or were already bawling, those with older siblings failed to calm the crying children due to their own frazzled nerves.

One officer was attempting to appease some of the children though failing while the other officer just ignored the children in favour of reading the paper, he appeared disgruntled that he was stuck waiting for more foster carers. He glanced up when he heard the clicking of Peggy's heels.


He pushed himself off the chair and stood upright immediately, he tugged the collar of his jacket and fixed his cap. 'Who will you be taking Ma'am?' He inquires, respectfully.

'No one. I'm here to drop her off,' Peggy replies curtly. The officer appears baffled but Peggy pays him no attention and instead kneels down to speak to Chibi Chibi. 'This is where we say goodbye. Make sure you behave for your host family-'

'Oh my word, that little girl is absolutely adorable!' A woman garbed in fine clothing and adorned with expensive jewellery squeals shoving Peggy away as she yanks a stunned Chibi Chibi into the air. Peggy stumbles but immediately regains footing, she then stares incredulously at the woman who was cooing over Chibi Chibi. 'Honey, I want this one,' the woman demands hotly as she holds Chibi Chibi at arm's length while examining her.

'Yes, yes dear. Whatever you want,' her husband agrees unenthusiastically as he sluggishly strolled around the hall though his gaze kept lingering towards the door.

The woman glanced back at Peggy and opened her mouth to say something when she noticed Peggy's attire. An army uniform complete with medals and badges. No ring on her finger. The woman smirks condescending Peggy who chose to do a man's job rather than a woman's job which is being a subservient wife.

'Thank you, my husband and I can take it from here. Give the bag to him,' the woman orders snobbishly with her nose in the air.

Peggy pressed her lips into a thin line while narrowing her eyes in distaste but she held her tongue back, 'Yes, of course.'

'Thank you,' the man says snatching the bag from her grip while staring at his watch. 'Honey, let's go,' the husband urges tapping his foot impatiently when his wife disagreed.

'Just a moment, dear,' his wife request before placing Chibi Chibi on a desk and sharply commanding that she stay standing still while unwrapping her bandages.

Peggy, whose eyes were wide open with shock and horror, instantly sprung into action by seizing the woman's wrist which prevented her doing any more damage, 'What on earth do you think you are doing?' Peggy exclaimed, her tone was firm and calm but the sharp intakes of breath indicate the anger she was suppressing.

'I'm taking off those silly little bandages. How else am I going to decide the perfect little outfit for her if these things are in the way?' The woman replies as she tried to yank her wrist away but found it impossible to release herself from Peggy's grip. 'Let go of me!' The woman was absolutely disgusted that Peggy was touching her.

'I cannot,' Peggy asserts unflinchingly, 'you pose a threat to this child. If you had the slightest bit of common sense then you would understand those bandages were placed on her because she is injured. Under no circumstances should you have removed them especially without knowing the full extent of her injuries.'

'Let go of my wife!' The man yells, his face flushed deeply with anger. 'Who do you think you are?'

Just before Peggy could retort a sarcastic reply, the kinder officer intervenes, 'Um, sir, I'm sure she means no disrespect but your wife was unbandaging a child which is very dangerous. What would you have done if she started to bleed out?'

The man mulled this over and just as he was about to reply, the other officer, who preferred ignoring the children, intervened, 'Besides do you really want a Jap kid?'

Reactions were instantaneous, 'What?! Honey, don't touch that child! It belongs to those filthy beasts!' The husbands exclaim seizing his wife's wrist then grabs the bag of a random child who quickly follows after the couple.

'Called it,' the bored officer says before focusing back onto the paper.

'Ma'am, I don't think it would be a good idea for her to be here,' the kinder officer advises nervously, 'it's not just adults who'll have adults problem with her but the children as well. They'll probably mistreat her since they've been separated from their parents due to the war with the German, Russians and the Japanese.'

'I suppose you're right,' Peggy acknowledges understanding his point, she glanced towards the row of children who glared at Chibi Chibi with Fury and detest. She picks up Chibi Chibi's bag and strolls closer to the desk where the toddler was still standing, staring out the door where the weird couple had just left. Chibi Chibi looked up at Peggy when she heard the latter's heel click closer and tilted her head to the side in confusion. Peggy bent down slightly and pets Chibi Chibi's hair, 'Looks like you can't stay here without putting yourself in danger. How about you come home with me?'

'Home!' Chibi Chibi cheered punching the air in excitement. Peggy smiles at her excitement and picks her up in her arms. Steve will definitely be happy to see Chibi Chibi once again, the same thing can't be said for her boss.

Finally, I had to write a ton of different versions of this chapter before I could finally come up with something that I would like. Mostly I was studying Wikia and different websites to ensure accuracy. Sorry for the lateness.