Save Datawindow Pdf Format
Saves the contents of a DataWindow, DataStore, graph,OLE control, or OLE storage in a file. The syntax you use dependson the type of object you want to save.
Hello, I had a program that converts PSR files to PDF files using saveas PDF function in PB9. We just upgraded the PB program to PB12.
For DataWindow and DataStore syntax, see the SaveAsmethodfor DataWindows in the DataWindow Reference or the online Help.
To | To |
Save the data in a graph | |
Save the OLE object in an OLE controlto a storage file | |
Save the OLE object in an OLE controlto a storage object in memory | |
Save an OLE storage and any controlsthat have opened that storage in a file | |
Save an OLE storage object in anotherOLE storage object |
Syntax 1 Forgraph objects
Applies to
Argument | Description |
controlname | The name of the graph control whose contentsyou want to save or the name of the DataWindow DataStore containingthe graph. |
filename (optional) | A string whose value is the name of thefile in which you want to save the data in the graph. If you omit filename orspecify an empty string ('), PowerBuilder prompts the user fora file name. |
graphcontrol (DataWindow controlonly) (optional) | A string whose value is the name of thegraph in the DataWindow control or DataStore whose contents youwant to save. |
saveastype (optional) | A value of the SaveAsType enumerateddatatype specifying the format in which to save the data representedin the graph. Values are:
Obsolete valuesThe following SaveAsType values are considered to be obsoleteand will be removed in a future release: Excel!, WK1!, WKS!, SYLK!,dBase2!, WMF!. Use Excel8!, XLSB!, or XLSX! for current versionsof Microsoft Excel! and EMF! in place of WMF!. |
colheading (optional) | A boolean value indicating whether youwant column headings with the saved data. The default value is true. Colheading is ignored for dBASE files; columnheadings are always saved. |
encoding (optional) | Character encoding of the file to whichthe data is saved. This parameter applies only to the followingformats: TEXT, CSV, SQL, HTML, and DIF. If you do not specify an encoding parameter,the file is saved in ANSI format. Values are:
Regional settingsIf you use date formats in your graph, you must verify that yyyy
isthe Short Date Style for year in the Regional Settings of the user’sControl Panel. Your program can check this with the RegistryGet function.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
See also
Syntax 2 Forsaving an OLE control to a file
Applies to
Argument | Description |
olecontrol | The name of the OLE control containingthe object you want to save. Bve nyc subway. BVEStation is not owned by or affiliated with any transit agency. Any references or information that is related to specific transit agencies are the property of, and may be copyrighted by them. BVEStation does not endorse illegal activity and takes no responsibility of actions committed by others or of BVEStation members. Line D in New York's subway (part of the 6th Avenue line, part of the Queens Boulevard line, part of the 8th Avenue line and the Concourse line, all former IND), for the classes R-68 or R- 160 subway trains. This line begins at a layup track at Norwood/205th Street in the Bronx and goes to via Manhattan to Coney Island in Brooklyn. |
OLEtargetfile | A string specifying the name of an OLEstorage file. The file can already exist. OLEtargetfile caninclude a path, as well as information about where to store theobject in the file’s internal structure. |
Example 4
See also
Syntax 3 Forsaving an OLE control to an OLE storage
Applies to
Argument | Description |
olecontrol | The name of the OLE control containingthe object you want to save. |
targetstorage | The name of an object variable of OLEStoragein which to store the object in olecontrol. |
substoragename | A string whose value is the name of asubstorage within targetstorage. If substorage doesnot exist, SaveAs creates it. |
Example 5
See also
Syntax 4 Forsaving an OLE storage object to a file
Applies to
Argument | Description |
olestorage | The name of an object variable of typeOLEStorage containing the OLE object you want to save. |
OLEtargetfile | A string specifying the name of a newOLE storage file. OLEtargetfile can includea path. |
Example 6
Example 7
See also
Syntax 5 Forsaving an OLE storage object in another OLE storage
Applies to
Argument | Description |
olestorage | The name of an object variable of typeOLEStorage containing the OLE object you want to save. |
substoragename | A string whose value is the name of asubstorage within targetstorage. If substorage doesnot exist, SaveAs creates it. |
targetstorage | The name of an object variable of OLEStoragein which to store the object in olestorage.Note the reversed order of the substoragename and targetstorage argumentsfrom Syntax 4. |
Example 8
See also
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