Zensys Serial Api

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SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote Serial API Guide Page 9 of 119 2 Introduction This guide describes the commands used by an external processor to communicate with the SmartMesh WirelessHART mote through its API serial port. The API is intended for machine-to-machine communications (e.g. A sensor application talking to the mote).

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Z-Way uses HTTP API to communicate with User Interfaces (UI) or external programs. Using Z-Way API one can access data structures in Z-Way and execute per devices or network management functions.Structure of Z-WayZ-Way consists of internal Web Server, Command Classes data and functions, Function Classes functions and Automation engine data and functions. Z-Wave controller finally understands only Function Classes commands and hence Z-Way translates every command into Function Classes function calls.Z-Wave basisIn Z-Wave notation Function Classes are commands to talk with Z-Wave chip (they are coded into Zensys Serial API to be transfered over serial or USB port). For example, SendData, AddNodeToNetwork, RemoveNodeFromNetwork are Function Classes commands.Each Command Class (CC) defines device functionality with all commands accepted and responded by the device. Command Class commands are send to devices using SendData or SendDataMulti Function Classes. Command Classes specifies how to talk between Z-Wave devices and garantees interoperability.For example, Basic CC is defined as Get, Set and Report commands and is mandatory to be supported on most of devices to allow basic interoperability between devices. The meaning of the value sent by Set depends on device type (Device Class in Z-Wave notation).SwitchBinary CC also defines Get, Set, Report, but it's meaning is different: in Set value 0 = Off, 1-99, 255 = On. All other values are ignored. This command is supposed to be used on devices having only two states (like relay).List of supported CC for a devices are reported in Node Information Frame (NIF).Each device might consist of several instances. Most of devices have only one instance (instance 0), but some devices have several instances to allow user to control different relays in one device or gather information from different sensors in one device. For example, temperature and humidity sensor will have two instances 1 and 2 and default instance 0 referring to the device itself. Each instance might have it's own list of CCs reported by the device and stored in dataholder of the instance.JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) basisZ-Way uses JSON to transfer data from bakcend server to user frontend (UI). In JSON data are represented by their name and value as String in hierarchical form. To build hierarchy associative arrays are used. (Note that in JavaScript any type derived from Object is in fact an associative array!). JSON is very popular for exchanging data over web interfaces but also used for interprocess communication.Advantages:Well structured, open data structuresEasy to read and to parseDisadvantages:String representation takes a lot of memory. Hence, compression use is suggestedRead more about JSONExecute functions in Z-WayTo execute a command in Z-Way, send an HTTP POST request to a specific URL of the embedded webserver.For example: http://localhost:8083/ZWaveAPI/Run/cont .. hing()Note that for Z-Cloud you have to connect to z-cloud.z-wave.me server using HTTPS protocol and the port allocated for you (same as you use to connect to your user interface). For example, https://z-cloud.z-wave.me:10088. You will also need to supply user name and password of administrator account (also same as you use to log in to your interface).Here is the list of important function:controller.AddNodeToNetwork(M) — start (M=1) / stop (M=0) inclusion processcontroller.RemoveNodeFromNetwork(M) — start (M=1) / stop (M=0) exclusion processcontroller.SetLearnMode(M) — start (M=1) / stop (M=0) learn mode processcontroller.SetDefault() — reset Z-Wave controller to default. NB: will completely destroy all stored data about your network!It is also possible to execute commands related to devices, it's instances or to command class of a particular instance.For example:devices[nodeId].DoSomething(parameter)devices[nodeId].instances[instanceId].DoSomething(param)devices[nodeId].instances[instanceId].commandClasses[ccId].DoSomething(param)devices[nodeId].instances[instanceId].commandClasses.SwitchBinary.DoSomething(param)Each Command Class in Z-Wave has a set of functions. They are used to access the functionality of this CC of for internal maintenance. The internal maintenance functions of CC are hidden by Z-Way. All public commands can be accessed and tested using the Experts Commands section in the Experts mode of the Z-Way Default Installers Web UI.To simplify generation of Command Classes functionality UI, each CC have a list of all exported function and description of available parameters. Functions are splited into four types (read / change • user / configuration data):userGet — sends request (ususally Get command) to the deviceuserSet — sends command changing state of the device (ususally Set command)configGet — sends request (ususally Get command) to the device to get it's configurationconfigSet — sends command changing state of the device (ususally Set command)Each type stores list of commands. Each commad stores a list of parameters, while each parameter stores tree describing it's UI as label: '[string]',
[type]: [type description]List of all types used in CC descriptions:fix — fixed value, can be used only inside enumof to implement radiobuttonsrange — value from min to max, can also be shifted by shift valuenode — dropdown list of nodes in network, only one node can be selectedstring — string valueenumof — defines list of exclusive parameter UI (radiobutton with child UI), can contain as child fix, rangeGet data from Z-WayAll Z-Way data is transfered as one single JSON object (let's call it D for simplicity). It is also possible to get updates of this object since last update. An associative array (again a JSON object) of the following type is returned back from server:{
'[path in D object]': [updated subtree],
'[path in D object]': [updated subtree],
updateTime: [current timestamp]
}To keep last update time, D object allways contains an updateTime variable containing timestamp.To get updates, send a request to the following URL:/ZWaveAPI/Data/0 — Get all data (updates since 1970)/ZWaveAPI/Data/134500000 — Get updates since 134500000 (Unix timestamp)The data object D.controller contains all network/controller related data in hierarchical format.The data object D.devices contains all device related data in hierarchical formatD.devices[nodeID].data.nodeId contains the nodeID of the deviceD.devices[nodeID].instances[instanceID].data.specificType contains specific device type fo the instance instanceID of the device nodeID.D.devices[nodeID].instances[instanceID].SensorMultilevel.data.val contains value reported by a multilevel sensorEach Data element such as D.devices[nodeID].data.nodeId is an object with the following child elemments:value — the value itselfupdateTime — timestamp of the last update of this particular valueinvalidateTime — timestamp when the value was invalidated by issuing a Get command to a device and expecting a Report command from the deviceupdated — boolean value indicating if the device is update or invalid (in time between issuing a Get and receving a Report)Note that during data updates some values are update by big subtrees. For example, in Meter CC value of a scale is always updated as a scale subtree (containing scale and type descriptions) and for the [scale].val object.Handling of updates comming from Z-WayA good design of UI would be one linking UI objects (label, textbox, slider, ..) with a a certain path in D object. So, any update of a subtree linked to UI would update the UI too. This is called binding in Microsoft terms (present for example in WPF). Z-Way contains a library called jQuery.triggerPath (extention of jQuery), that allows to make such links between objects in D object and HTML DOM objects. UsejQuery.triggerPath.init(D);during web application initialization and then runjQuery([objects selector]).bindPath([path with regexp], [updater function], [additional arguments]);to make binding between path changes and updater function. updater function would be called upon changes in the desired object with this pointing to the DOM object itself, first argument pointing to the updated object in D, second argument is the exact path of this object (fulfilling the regexp) and all other arguments copies additional arguments. RegExp allows only few control characters: * is a wildcard, (1 2 3) - is 1 or 2 or 3. For example:$('span.light_level').bindPath('(devices[*].instances[0].commandClasses[38].data.level devices.*.instances.*.commandClasses[39].data.level)', function (obj, path, arg1, arg2) {
$(this).html(path + ': ' + obj.value);}, 'this will be passed to update parser', 'this too');And finally here is an example of function handling updates (it is supposed to be called each 2-10 seconds):// Call this function periodically or manually to get updates.
// Parameter sync allows to make request synchronous or asynchronousfunction getDataUpdate(sync) { $.postJSON('/ZWaveAPI/Data/' + D.updateTime, handlerDataUpdate, sync);}
// Wrapper that makes AJAX request$.postJSON = function(url, data, callback, sync) { // shift arguments if data argument was omited if (jQuery.isFunction(data)) { sync = sync callback; callback = data; data = {}; }; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: data, dataType: 'json', success: callback, error: callback, async: (sync!=true) });};
Zensys Serial Api// Handle updatesfunction handlerDataUpdate(data) { try { $.each(data, function (path, obj) { var pobj = D; var pe_arr = path.split('.');
for (var pe in pe_arr.slice(0, -1)) { pobj = pobj[pe_arr[pe]]; }; pobj[pe_arr.slice(-1)] = obj; // Restrict UI updates only to some paths. This is optional to make parsing faster. Remove this 'if' to parse all updates if ( (new RegExp('^devices.*.instances.*.commandClasses.(37 38 48 49 50 67 98 128).data.*$')).test(path) (new RegExp('^areas.data.*.*$')).test(path) ) $.triggerPath.update(path); // this updates objects bound to paths
}); } catch(err) { console.log('Error in handlerDataUpdate: ' + err.stack); };};Home Automation configurationAll Home Automation configutations including names and hierarchical structure of areas, scenes, rules, schedules and climate schedules are stored in one internal XML files. To get it, send the following HTTP POST request: /Config/Rules/Get.To save new Rules.xml do: /Config/Rules/Save with new XML files passed in the POST data.Structure of this XML file is self-explanatory and we will not describe it here. A simple UI will only need to obtain list of areas and devices. Note, that a device can belong to several areas. In this case the deepest area is supposed to be it's parent. This is done to allow a device to be present not only in it's parent area, but also on floor or even home overview map.To obtain current active scene and climate schedule for an area check D.areas.data[areaID].scene and D.areas.data[areaID].climate objects. Value null means not scene / climate schedule activated.To activate a scene or climate schedule use the following requests:/Scene/Activate/[scene ID]/Climate/Activate/[climate schedule ID]To switch a device's instance from manual to automatic mode (managed by climate schedule) and back use:/Climate/ActivateDevice/[device ID]/[instance ID]/Climate/DisableDevice/[device ID]/[instance ID]In automatic mode device will follow climate schedule of it's parent area if present and active.Localization of Z-WayZ-Way has three language specific data storages that need to be updated in order to add new language support.The Web UI: In htdocs/js there is a one language translation file per language, e.g. language.en.js. A new file needs to be generated with the two character language code (e.g. ru for Russian, ro for Romanian) and all strings on the right part of semicolon (:) on each lines need to be translatedThe Pepper-One Device Database: Z-Way takes all association group descriptions, device background info, configuration parameter and value descriptions from this databaseThe folder /translations of Z-Way contains lanuage specific IDs for sensor value scales, vendor information.